Sunday, September 17, 2006

Is Iran really relevant to combatting the forces that resulted in the 9/11 attacks?

For the average American, the so-called "war on terror" is supposed to be focused on countering the forces that had resulted in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Besides the massive efforts in Iraq, the other major effort of the so-called "war on terror" is putting pressure on Iran. Nobody has suggested that Iran was a factor in 9/11, but somehow they were pulled into the "axis of evil" that became the cornerstone of the so-called "war on terror."

Now, we read in an article in the NY Times by Steven Weisman entitled "U.S. Asks Finance Chiefs to Limit Iran’s Access to Banks" that the U.S. is pressuring "top finance officials of the world’s leading industrial nations" to limit the business they do with Iran in response to a belief that so-called "Iranian front companies" have been "identified by American intelligence agencies as funneling money to terrororist groups."

Is there some significant and compelling evidence that Iran is "funneling" money to bin Laden and al Qaeda? Nope. This is all about alleged links between Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Yes, this may impact the security of Israel, but appears to have absolutely nothing to do with the security of the U.S. relative to threats from bin Laden and al Qaeda.

If President Bush is truly and deeply committed to rooting out the forces that caused 9/11 and continue to threaten us here in America, why are his people focusing so much attention on Iran?

To answer my question: Is Iran really relevant to combatting the forces that resulted in the 9/11 attacks? My answer is: No. Even if Iran might be funding Hezbollah, and even if Hezbollah was completed eliminated, there would be no net impact on the forces that resulted in the attacks of 9/11.

-- Jack Krupansky


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